So when people die and they wanted to live in sin and deny God, it makes sense to me that they would go to hell a place of darkness and eternal cutting off.
And this is one of the reasons I do not believe in God. Because a maniac that would torture people for eternity just because he can't be bothered to give clear evidence of his existence smacks of bullshit. Its a God that I would truly abhor and this universe although sometimes cruel and ambivalent is not remotely as wicked as the God that you are describing.
I personally don't believe that God tortures people in hell. I think people that go to hell torture themselves because after being given all the information they made the wrong decision.
Most likely to satisfy there urge to practice one of the 7 deadly sins.
I think hell is just like when I worked in the jail. People did wrong they knew they were doing wrong and they were there to do their time. To pay for their crime.
I've seen many hard guys go from hard guys to cry baby's when they get life sentences or 10 to 20.
I don't mean to try to scare you. I am not. It's just a big slice of life, I have seen.
Either Hovind, the bible, God makes sense to you or it doesn't